Beware of the Music you use on your site you just may be breaking the law and copyright infringements. There are laws that you need to learn about if you are posting music on your website, an on-line slideshow, or even YouTube video. These laws protect the rights of music artists ,their work, and how the consumer uses or shares their product.
A question arose from one of our clients trying to find music that was protected under creative commons. A slideshow of one of their events made by a third party contained music that was violating copyright laws.
How could we help the client understand that the music they are using is violating a law and still help them create a slideshow for the website?
I asked for help from Jose “Pepe” Pesante (@joeprog) radio host of and editor-in-chief of for assistance with finding a site under creative commons related to the music industry. Thanks to his expertise, he was able to provided me two sites; one called SoundCloud and the other Bandcamp. Both offer CC licensing and options for purchase, free download or streaming only.
I would recommend SoundCloud over Bandcamp because it is very obvious that it is for sharing. SoundCloud 101 is a simple guide that has a section for music artists and those looking for music, regarding the terms of their site. It also provides details of how one shares music under the creative commons license. There are samples you can listen to on the main page.
You can sign up for both sites as an artist or group promoting your music as long as you are complying with U.S. copyright laws and the websites’ Terms of Use.
Here are the links to some of the sites that I found useful that talk about copyright law for music along with links to SoundCloud and BandCamp.
photo credit by bwhistler