The reason we want to use tools like Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus is to allow us to share our ideas in a public forum. We all want our content to be seen and some we care more about this than others.
A question I have heard many times is what time it is more practical to send a “Tweet”. On the question seems simple, has a high degree of complexity to only answer in a sentence. There are several factors that can be used to understand what time it is more favorable to publish something. Or at what point is more likely to be seen.
To determine at what time or day you can try the following tips.
Use tools to measure and view statistics on how many people oppressed shared links. There acortadotes address cyber and tools such as Hootsuite for reviewing reports on how the ecosystem reacted Twitter to link you shared.
Observe the times where most of your contacts or followers are connected and interacting online.
This way you can make an estimate of when it would be more favorable share something important, because you know beforehand the time is more likely that his followers see it.
You can also try using tools such as Tweetwhen. This tool checks your last 1,000 tweets and reports the time it has received more “Retweets” (A “Retweet” in English is when a user takes on Twitter content and shares it with his followers).
There are several tools that are able to improve the efficiency of how we communicate and interact on Twitter. But my advice to maintain a balance is determined by the time most convenient for you to share any information.
Make sure you project your personality through social profiles. It can be the difference for creating healthy relationships.
Make sense… thanks!