I see how many companies try to build their email marketing lists in a way that is not spam. But, once the list starts growing they get tempted to go towards the “dark side”.
Based on my experiences, I think these are 4 Reasons How To Promise & Deliver When Building Your Email List.
Set expectations
Be clear on how often you will publish your newsletters and communicate that to the people who have trusted you with their email.
Stick to a schedule
When companies or marketing departments start seeing results of an email list, they decide to break the established schedule.
Don’t send too often.
If you are bombarding your customers with messages via a newsletter or social media sites, they might lose interest in what you have to say. Feel free to ask your audience every once in a while if they want more info or less of it.
My recommendation is a monthly newsletter with occasional supplements to promote events or specials.
How often do you engage with your audience and the awesome individuals who decided to sign up for your list?
Any other tips or ideas that I missed out on?